Promoting a Landscape Watershed and Biodiversity Protection Program
Promoting a Landscape Watershed and Biodiversity Protection Program
The goal of this project is to improve management effectiveness of the Western Maya Mountains landscape through watershed and biodiversity protection. The purpose of this project is to strengthen monitoring, enforcement, extension services and public participation inside the Chiquibul Forest and buffer areas at a landscape level to increase wildlife populations and secure fresh safe water. The UNDP-GEF investment would target key hotspot areas of the Chiquibul National Park, Vaca Forest Reserve and private lands buffering the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve. These targeted areas are referred to in the recently launched Sustainable Development Plan as the Chiquibul/Mountain Pine Ridge/Caracol Complex, and have been highlighted as a critical landscape for an integrated management framework, with water resources protection and biodiversity conservation as two pillars of sustainable development.
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Project Snapshot

Friends for Conservation and Development
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 101,184.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 7,655.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
As an innovative project, there are several lessons to be learnt and to be systematized. This project will be a motor for conducting a landscape approach in three protected areas with the aim of improving biodiversity and watershed protection. FCD intends to share knowledge and outputs through the following mechanisms: 1. Quarterly meetings with National Biodiversity Unit and Forest Department 2. Monthly briefings with BDF 3. Bi-monthly inter-agency meetings 4. Monthly FCD Senior Staff meetings 5. Quarterly meetings with CWCA and CORE 6. GEF quarterly briefings FCD will also produce newsletter stories, press releases, and highlight features of the Watershed and its biodiversity, and at least two TV shows will be aired during the project implementation period.
Gender Focus
FCD has no reservations with the involvement of women in the work we do including the area of enforcement; however, until now we have not had success in getting women applicants to the jobs. The training is strenuous and the distance to operate is remote. In areas where new staff are to be identified, FCD, will make specific emphasis on the interest to open the posts to women as well. In the Vaca area, on the other hand, we have found women participation increasing and FCD will seek to invite women farmers to participate on the meetings and sessions. We do know of women participating at CWCA and CORE actively in river conservation and will be included in planning and training sessions. In the MPR, we know of the Mennonite Community, however, we do not know at this stage how decision making is conducted. Consultations and one to one meeting will be encouraged to occur at the family level unless this is not a practical option.
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. Leonel Requena
(501) 822-2462
Esther Calles


2nd Floor, David L. McKoy Business Center, Bliss Parade, P.O. Box 53
Belmopan, Central America